Wrapping Up May: What Happened This Month | Jo Linsdell

Wrapping Up May: What Happened This Month


Wrapping Up May What Happened This Month


May 2024 Wrap Up 

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Welcome to my May 2024 wrap up! 

Here's a break down of what I got up to this month: 

Wrapping Up May What Happened This Month


For the first time in a long time I didn't change my hair colour this month. I've decided to keep the chocolate brown for a while. My main goal now is to improve the overall condition of my hair. It's definitely in need of some TLC. 


I started the month being ill. I caught a cold from going to a concert in the rain and then got ill again straight after that so not the best start to the month. 

I also had a horrible migraine this month that knocked me out for a couple of days. I haven't had one in a while but this one was a beast. I basically struggle in a dark room for a couple of days trying to move as little as possible. Everything hurt. It gave me terrible nausea too and so didn't manage to eat much either. 

Even the days following the migraine were bad. It was a bit like having a hangover. I'm not sure what caused it but I think probably connected to hormones. 

Do you suffer from migraines? Got any tips for a faster recovery? 

You might also like: Monthly Goal Ideas for Better Health


May was not a great month for blogging. My lowest traffic month in a long time. I did expect a dip in traffic though as it was also the month I published the least posts and, again due to health issues, didn't manage to promote as much as I usually would. 

Traffic for May:  28,042 page-views

Number of blog posts published in May: 15

Current DA score: 30

Reading challenges

I didn't do a great job with my reading either as all the headaches made reading difficult. 

The Clock Reading Challenge

I created the Clock Reading Challenge a few years ago as I thought it would be fun and not too difficult to complete. 

If you need some help finding books for the challenge check out Books with Numbers 1-12 in the Title: Clock Reading Challenge.

I completed the Clock Reading Challenge 2023 in November

You can now join in the Clock Reading Challenge 2024

The Clock Reading Challenge May 2024 Update

Books read:

2- When the Clock Chimes Two by Adriana Licio - My Review - Amazon - Goodreads

The Net Galley TBR Reading Challenge

No new books to add for this challenge this month. 

Other books read:

Red Runs the Witch's Thread by Victoria Williamson - My Review  - Amazon - Goodreads

Currently reading:

Shadow in the Ward by Ari Gray - currently on page 23 - Amazon - Goodreads

Twenty Seven Minutes by Ashley Tate - currently at 33% - Amazon - Goodreads


We kicked off the month with the May Day concert on the 1st. This year it was hosted at Circo Massimo. It rained... a lot. We had a great time though and I'm glad we went. 

Later on in the month I had a day out in the centre with my youngest son. We had great fun exploring the shops and checked out the new Hamely's store. 

We also went to the Carlo Bilotti museum in Villa Borghese and visited the Basilica on Via Nazionale too. 

I'm now excited about having more days out like this during the summer break.


I really need to get back into doing regular workouts. I've been doing some exercising here and there throughout the month but definitely need to schedule fixed objectives for the month. I'm just not disciplined enough to do daily workouts without having a fixed goal for the day. 

Wrapping Up May What Happened This Month

How did you do with your May Challenges? What challenges are you doing this year? Join the conversation in the comments section. 

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