Important Pages Every Blog Should Have | Jo Linsdell

Important Pages Every Blog Should Have

Important Pages Every Blog Should Have


Important Pages Every Blog Should Have

Disclosure: The FTC Disclosure Provision is a law that requires influencers to disclose when they are being paid to promote a product or service. So please know that if I'm not making money through affiliate links/sponsored content on the post you're currently reading, it's an oversight on my part and will be corrected soon. Read the full disclosure about all the legal stuff here.

Have you ever asked yourself what pages you should have on your blog? If the answer is yes, this post is for you.

There are some pages that are essential elements of any blog. Whether it's for practical reasons or legal ones there are some pages all bloggers should include on their blog.

Contact page

One of the most important things you should you have on your blog is your contact details. Publishers, authors, PR companies, sponsors and, of course, your readers will need to know how to contact you in order to send you questions, feedback or requests.

You have several options for what and how to include your details on your contact page.

A contact form. There are plug ins you can use to embed these on your page.

Email address. If you want to minimise the risk of having your email address picked up by bots and sent spam (this doesn't have very often but it could) I suggest using [AT] in place of the @ symbol when you write out your email address. 

Social media links. It's a good idea to include links to your social media profiles too. Some people may feel more comfortable contacting you there. Plus it gives them another way to follow your content and therefore retain them as regular readers of your blog. 

About page

Statistically speaking the About page is one of the most viewed pages on any blog and with good reason. 

The About page is where readers find out more about the blogger. This is your chance to shine. Who are you? Why did you start your blog? What are your goals for your blog? What type of content do you post about? 

Your About page is, in a way, your sell yourself page. It's where people can discover your interests and a bit about you and your personality. It helps them decide if they're in the right place. Is what you offer what they are looking for?

Review policy

A review policy is important if you review products on your blog. It's where you let people know what you are willing to review (and what you won't) and your terms and conditions regarding reviews.

On my review policy page I make sure to include conditions like;

All taxes and postage fees must be covered by sender. I will not accept packages that require me to pay. 


Please note: The FTC Disclosure Provision is a law that requires influencers to disclose when they are being paid to promote a product or service, including free products. This is valid on all platforms. Adding a disclosure to your post shows not only honesty towards my readers but is also a legal requirement.

Privacy policy

Including a privacy policy on your blog is a legal requirement. Even if you just have a contact form on your blog or social share buttons you'll need to have a privacy policy too so don't think it's just for professional bloggers. All blogs need to have a privacy policy.

Privacy policy requirements can differ from country to country for example; GDPR Europe's General Data Protection Regulation, PIPEDA Canada's Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, CalOPPA The California Online Privacy Protection Act or the DPA The UK's Data Protection Act.

This is also where you should include any third party disclosures. 

If you're not sure how to write one there are lots of free privacy policy generators available online that you can use. 

Affiliate disclosure

The FTC Disclosure Provision is a law that requires influencers to disclose when they are being paid to promote a product or service.

You should be including an affiliate disclosure on all blog posts but it can also be a good idea to have more in-depth information available to your readers.

Can you think of any other pages every blog should have? What pages do you tend to search for on the blogs you visit? 

Important Pages Every Blog Should Have