Book Spotlight: Secrets of the Deep by Marisa Noelle | Jo Linsdell

Book Spotlight: Secrets of the Deep by Marisa Noelle


Book Spotlight Secrets of the Deep by Marisa Noelle

Book Spotlight

Secrets of the Deep by Marisa Noelle

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Today I'm part of a virtual book tour organised by The Write Reads for Secrets of the Deep by Marisa Noelle. The tour for ‘Secrets of the Deep' will run from 10th - 16th June 2024. 

Secrets of the Deep by Marisa Noelle tour banner

Publisher: Solaris

Length: 352 Pages

Genre: Fantasy, Mermaid

Age Category: YA

Date Published: July 2023

About the book

Book synopsis for Secrets of the Deep by Marisa Noelle

Secrets of the Deep by Marisa Noelle



Determined to face her fear, Cordelia enters the ocean for the first time since her twin brother was killed and learns she is from the oldest bloodline of mermaids. Entrusted with a magical relic, it us up to her alone to break an ancient curse and free the mermaids from the water.

But the selachii - mysterious shark shapeshifters - also have their eyes on the relic. As tensions increase between the mermaids and selachii, Cordelia doesn’t know who to trust. Forced to choose between love and race, she doubts every decision and the intentions of those around her.

Trusting her head will lead to a path of betrayal, but she might just get her family back. If she chooses her heart, the mermaids may stay cursed to remain in the ocean forever.

Buy now

Where to find Secrets of the Deep by Marisa Noelle online: 


About the author

About the author 

Marissa Noelle author of Secrets of the Deep

Marisa Noelle is the writer of middle grade & young adult novels in the genres of science-fiction, fantasy, horror & mental health including The Shadow Keepers, The Unadjusteds Trilogy (The Unadjusteds, The Rise of the Altereds, & The Reckoning), The Mermaid Chronicles – Secrets of the Deep, & The Unravelling of Luna Forester. She is a mentor for the Write Mentor program that helps aspiring MG & YA authors. With dual citizenship, Marisa has lived on both sides of the Atlantic and uses settings in both the USA and UK as inspiration for her novels. When she’s not writing or reading or watching movies, she enjoys swimming. In the pool she likes to imagine she could be a mermaid and become part of some of her make-believe worlds. Despite being an avid bookworm from the time she could hold a book, being an author came as a bit of a surprise to her as she was a bit of a science geek at school. She lives in Woking, UK with her husband and three children. You can find her on Twitter @MarisaNoelle77, TikTok @MarisaNoelle12, or her website 

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Book Spotlight Secrets of the Deep by Marisa Noelle

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