Interview with Clair from Always Need More Books | Jo Linsdell

Interview with Clair from Always Need More Books

Interview with Clair from Always Need More Books

For this week's book blogger interview I'm joined by Clair from Always Need More Books. Let's give her a warm welcome

Interview with Clair from Always Need More Books

Who are you? Where are you from? and Where do you blog?

My name is Clair and I am a 45-year-old technical librarian from the South Coast of the UK.  I’m originally from the Midlands but have been down by the sea for almost 20 years and I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.  My blog can be found here: (
Why and how do you blog? What made you start?

I started out on Instagram taking pictures of books ( , but not really posting many reviews.  As my account grew, I started getting a little interest from publishers (being sent copies of books and taking part in book tours) and I realised I wanted to take this further.  I always post reviews on Goodreads so it was a step up from that really.

Interview with Clair from Always Need More Books #BookBlogger #BookBlogging
How long have you been blogging?

My first post was 1 January 2018 (it was a New Year’s resolution) so just over 6 months

What advice do you wish you'd had when you started?

I certainly had no idea how much time it would take!  I really care about each review I write so it’s important for me to write a good review.  I also wish I had someone sitting with me as I set up the blog – I think it looks OK but it’s not that intuitive to work out how to create one!

Also, I hadn’t realised how many brilliant blogs there are out there and the time it takes to read posts!

How much time do you devote to blogging each day/week/month?

I reckon I spend a couple of evenings a week writing blog posts, so maybe 4 hrs a week?  But on top of this I take almost daily photos for Instagram and have started attending more bookish events.

How often do you post to your blog?

Whenever I finish a book, so usually twice a week

What motivates you to keep blogging about books?

The positive reaction my posts gets from the people who read them.  It’s cool to know I’m suggesting books to people and they say they want to read them.  I’m all about sharing book love!

Is there something you wish authors knew about your blog or blogging?

How conflicted I feel if I have to be negative about a book.  I always try and look for the positives too…but I hate the thought of an author being sad because of a review I’ve given.  Thankfully, this doesn’t happen often as I know the sort of books I like, and tend to steer clear of the ones I don’t!

What's your most popular blog post?

The most popular one has been about the Folio society’s summer book launch.

Do you write reviews for every book you read?


How many book reviews do you normally do a week?

Usually 1 every 4 days – I wish I could read more but with a full-time job and a family, I think I do quite well!

Interview with Clair from Always Need More Books #BookBlogger #BookBlogging

What genres are your favourites?

I like young adult and historical fiction, but I will read most books.  Saying that, I’m not keen on classics and fantasy…

What are you currently reading and why did you choose to read it?

I’m about to start The Weight of aThousand Feathers by Brian Conaghan.  I’ve read another of his (We Come Apart) and this one came highly recommended by a friend.

Do you have any plans for your blog in the future?

I hope to be able to blog more about bookish events and maybe merchandise and I’d like to do the occasional wrap up if I can find the time!

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  1. As a fellow new blogger from around the same time I identified with a lot of Clair's answers. Great interview both of you.

    1. Thanks. I love getting to know my fellow book bloggers better. I think a lot of us can relate to the same struggles. It's just nice to know we're not the only ones going through it sometimes ;)

  2. I Always Need More Books, but no video, please!
